Last Jason Harrold Story… for Now
It's lovely when radio shows are slick and smooth and sound effortless. As any presenter knows there are times it is anything but. It's like how a swan glides, quite serenely, but you know underneath that the feet are paddling away. Sometimes…

Jason Harrold Wyvern Snowball
The Snowball was everything that was good about local radio of the time. Throwing its weight behind people that needed help. The goodwill and camaraderie running through the building over those weekends of on-air fundraising left everyone…

Jason Harrold Wyvern Presenter
What Simon Cowell does is nothing new. New Faces and Opportunity Knocks were to name just two. Radio Wyvern also dabbled in the new talent stakes and I am living proof. I was the winner of the second Search For a D J contest. A kind of "Decks…

Jason Harold Nearly On-Air
My Wyvern story began before I was officially working there. It was all thanks to - or maybe the fault of - Nick Wright. I used to really enjoy his evening show. I even won the odd competition, and in those days Radio had some odd competitions.