Wyvern Towers Barbourne Terrace
This wonderful piece of art is an image of a print reproduced from original watercolour paintings by David Birtwhistle. David is a prolific watercolour artist who was based in Belmonte house Bransford road in St Johns, Worcester. I can't remember…

The Original Radio Wyvern Directors
Wyvern was offered the franchise to broadcast to Hereford & Worcester, directly in a phone call to Sir John in his Hereford home, from the IBA (John Thompson). We were given a few days to accept or reject the offer and we had to keep it…

The Pre On-Air Radio Wyvern Story
More thoughts from Rob Yarnold about the early months of Radio Wyvern
As there was no one really on board, from the industry before we got the franchise, I had to get all the info together for the Board to understand. I took The Chairman…

The Wyvern Launch Newspaper
A number of people have mentioned the launch newspaper. Again Wyvern had an amazing start as far as awareness was concerned with a huge amount of publicity afforded by a launch newspaper which was delivered to virtually every home in…